Tuesday, January 27, 2004

a new hope (tata....tatatatata.......tatatatata....tatatata)

hahaha!hahaha!hahahahaha! i finally complete a minor techno revolution in my life! i am now blogging this entry not from a cybercafe, not from my old pentium II 400, but from my brand new 2.8ghz 512mb ddr ram with an awesome 80 gb harddisk!!!!! hp rocks, dad rocks more!!! dun think i ever had a cooler desktop before. anyway, not all was plain sailing over the past 13 days though. first was the tons and tons of sai kang the week before CNY. what's happening in 35 sce now is a little sort of a revolution. first was the implementation of the morning roll call (super kay kan), then there were the endless stocktakes that repeat over and over and over again. what really pisses the corporals off was that firstly, it was never the intention of p.o.s to award us any off days for the stocktakes (aka shifting of the muthafuckin' duckboards and other useless junk) until we exerted some sort of lobbying effect, thanks to harley. besides that, it was his original intention to award it only to the specs! where do corporals stand?? next, the awarded off came as a 'blanket off' which means even the ppl who did not touch a single duckboard the other day still got the off....f.o.c.... so much for incentive and egalitarianism...... moral of the story: experience and seniority dun count for shit, it's the rank. expediency is the way to go, never expect egalitarianism cos' it's just a lie conjured by the autocrats and the aristocracy to appease the teeming millions. aiya bottom line, what happens now should never happen again beyond the bioscope of SAF, the realm where mediocre rule with hollow pomposity. while the pursuit for wealth and power should never be the end all, nevertheless the only way to ensure protection from getting pushed around is a minimum level of social standing probably within one's working organisation. be in control of your own level, do not let your managers, supervisors, section leaders, section commanders (whatever) dictate your life. the other viable alternative would perhaps be to work on your own. now why the hell am i stretching so far?
anway, cny's eve was bad....and good too. had a damn shack run around 18 sada in the morning, lost my handphone when i took bus home. i am actually quite sure who it was cos i actually saw this lady putting a phone of a similar make and color into her handbag, but i just couldn't muster enuf resolve to ask her to open up her bag, i was too un-confrontational!! arggg! well anyway they left on the bus .... and probably with my phone too, before i could get 'sufficiently confrontational'. as a result i now have a new phone, a nokia 6100, but hardly any nos. it's the loss of the sim card and all the nos in the phonebook that really peeves me. i now have to send msgs in friendster asking ppl to send me their handphone nos just so i can re-establish contact. not unlike carl sagan seeking to contact extra-terrestrials.
new year's day was great, it is needless to say that the joy towards new year is largely predigated on the 'income' from red packets....which was fairly decent in my case.... met up with ppl which i have not met since last cny and probably not meet till the next cny. interestingly enuf, met up with 2 cousins from oz whom i played with a whooping 12 yrs ago when i visited perth! man, i feel old. back at home the party was getting on too, party as in not the teeny-boopy sense but that eat drink man women....not so much the latter 2 unfortunately, children would be more like it. Yes children, hordes of them this time round. guess that's a good sign for at least the future average tax burden shall be further reduced...for my family at least haha! i've no idea what i just typed, but since i typed it, it's probably worth the attention of junyi of the future,

by junyi of the present, for the past (wrt the future)


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