Tuesday, January 13, 2004

procrastinating on procrastination (finally)

it's been like a week since i last blogged and i still haven't got a new com yet. so here i am blogging in a cybercafe yet again. let's see what's up in the past week...... ok, basically the defining event of the week was probably on last sunday when i submitted an application to both UWA and Sydney. i was in fact rather surprised by the fact that i actually made the minimum requirement for entrance into UWA bachelor of economics. didn't qualify for its commerce course though, but i still made the choice and pray for divine intervention.........ditto Sydney's commerce course, but i did chose its bachelor of arts courses too as a more viable avenue to enter sydney if the first choice of the course fails (which it probably will unfortunately). anyway, there's a backup plan too, it's called the '(relatively more) guaranteed entry into monash' route which requires me to take their diploma first for like 9 months and if i manage to get a minimum of 60% average for all subjects, then i will be able to gain an unconditional entrance into the 2nd year of the commerce course in monahs......good deal or bad deal, i can't decide, besides, those mercenary fucks at monash simply refuse to waiver the application fees so i have yet made an application to monash......that's so typical singaporean of me haha.
it's been like a week since the end of the block leave and i've come to feel the immense dragery of army...... comparably, it's perhaps worst of now than it was before if u are only to consider the expectations you have for army life during a lull period and the reality that is more regimental than you thought. but what the hell, it's like 5 months to ord yesterday, so in the most cliched of army cliches....'ENDURE!' besides, i do have a goal to work towards, i put on a lot of weight over the past two months and I AM ON A CRUSADE AGAINST THE BULGE!!!!!!! I done it once, and i shall do it again, a complete makeover. LET THE WORLD BRACE ITSELF FOR A SLIMMER, SEXIER ME!!!!!!!!!!! whahaha!


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