Thursday, March 30, 2006


我刚从蔡淳佳的网页上得知, <<水草三重唱>>中的黄元成北京因为高血压,心脏病爆
发,往生了. 享年才43岁.

记得小时候, 总爱乱抄父母亲的卡带. 当时(80 年代末)风靡新谣的他们收藏了不少
梁文福的卡带. 那些卡带内除了有梁文福本人演唱的歌曲之外, 也有许多像洪邵轩
, 颜黎明, 水草三重唱, 黄惠祯等新谣前辈们的歌. 而当时除了梁文福的歌曲之外
令我映象最深刻的, 便是水草三重唱所演唱的<<阿ben阿ben>>.

说真的, 水草三重唱的<<阿ben阿ben>>其是并不是特别好听, 但也能称得上嚷嚷上
口. 只不过我老妈曾对我说过<<阿ben阿ben>>这首歌被所有的本地广播电台禁播,

也许那就是所谓的'禁果心态' (Forbidden Fruit Syndrome)
吧. 政府禁止的玩意儿, 肯定是好料! 所以当时的我一遍又咿遍的在我阿姨出国前
留下的二手Walkman 上重播着<<阿ben阿ben>>. 但似乎总听不出那首歌究竟是'错'在

它歌词既没有粗话, 又不'涵湿'. 我始终还是搞不明白到底是什么要让政府
禁播<<阿ben阿ben>>. 一直到老妈告诉我说政府是因为怕新加坡人听了<<阿ben阿ben>>的
歌词会变得懒散才禁播这首歌, 我才'Chey...' 的放弃追问究底.

之后到了90年代, 新谣疯刮过了, 水草三重唱解散了. 三位成员也似乎消声匿.一
直到大约94年吧,那时小五的我开始听中文流行歌曲. 在那孙燕姿还 '不知道躲在那
里'的年代, 陈洁仪可说是第一位红透亚洲的新加坡歌手(严格上来说, 巫启贤应该
算是马来西亚人吧). 而随着陈洁仪一起频频曝光的幕后制作人, 便是 水草三重唱
里的许环良. 之后, 许南盛也好像转行上电视当"早安您好'的主持人. 唯独没有黄

我记得大约是在2003年吧, 我好象在Esplanade 举办的华艺节新谣演
唱会上看到黄元成与其他俩位水草三重唱的成员在台上一起演唱. 我当时也不知道
他竟然是海蝶唱片公司创办人, 直到我读到他死讯的报导.

一位执着于广新加坡中文乐坛的新谣前辈, 就这样的去了.

有人说新谣嘛, 其实并没有消失过, 只不过为了让它'国际化',打入亚洲市场, 不得
不把新谣那独特的民谣曲风流行化. 金钱, 似乎变成了文化进化的前提.

十多年后的今天, 新加坡乐坛确实是有着骄人的成级. 从陈洁仪, 许美静到孙燕姿
,阿杜或林俊杰, 无论是歌手或是音乐人, 个个都让我们这颗'小红点'在中文歌坛占

但既使你仔细的听, 你能分辨得出林俊杰与周杰伦的曲风吗? 你能不
能在一听之下便能听得出或雀跃的说 '那是首本地创作!' 中文音乐同性化, 未必是

英文乐坛也有曲风之分, 像 'hip-hop, R&B, Jazz, Folk-songs, Pop, Rock, or even
sub-genres like Punk Rock'. 难道真正的新谣, 果真无法在中文 流行音乐领域内
占有自己的一片天空? 林俊杰能当新加坡的周杰伦, 水草三重唱或 梁文福就不能
成为新加坡的Peter Paul and Mary, 或 Bob Dylan 吗?

或许把一切文化遗产商业化, 以金钱来衡量, 本身便是一种新加坡独有的文化.
牛车水要翻新是为了让游客参观. 当业余的民歌歌手? 没出息. 一定要成为流行歌
曲的制作人, 或转行当大学教授才算有出息!

或许再过二十年后, 新加坡也许会变成中文歌坛的命脉. 但到时的新加坡年轻人又
是否会问起他们前辈在40年前所问的同样一句话 - <<我们的歌在哪里?>>.

先驱, 您安息吧.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

sometimes, the true chamipions don't always win / 天下谁的 第一又如何

seven years on, the same old story...desite breaking as the top ranked team for the Julia Gabriel preliminaries, the dictators were denied a win in the quarter finals against NYGH and the journey to the frozen throne ended.

i said 'denied a win' rather than 'lost', cos' by every credible account -dictator seniors, a national debater who was the split-adjudicator, and even the coach and teacher of Nanyang (who actually went up to Andre telling him how she felt we should have won) - even though it was a close debate, no one could actually fathom how cat high could have lost. and perhaps it is no surprise that the chief pannelist is none other than our good o' mr. david gabriel yet again, by giving an adjudication debrief which mentioned nothing about the analysis of the issues, but rather dropping the thermo-nuclear bit about how the debate was lost solely on style and - wait for this- decorum cos' he didn't liked the way the dictators flagged the NY speakers down when they rejected points-of-information and thus deducted a fucking 0.5 points per flag.

Now, a debate cannot possibly be lost SOLELY on style becos' there by every adjudication guideline be it WSDC or WUDC or Australs, style is not a measure of how stylish or flamboyant a speaker is, but rather the diction, the clarity of the speaker's enunciation. As such, a speaker with a poor style would definitely have his/her content marks severely dogged for the simple reason that the lack of clarity in expressing a point makes it impossible for the adjudicator to understand the logic behind the argument he/she is verbalising. A poor style mark goes hand in hand with a poor content mark. So to say that a debate is lost solely on style while both teams are tied on content is utter bollocks. Moreover, especially when u consider two of the dictators - Bryan and Tze Kai were ranked Best Speaker of Tournament in the VJC Invitationals and NUS Challenge Shield respectively, i really cannot understand how a team of such composite could have conceivably lost 'solely on style'.

Next, flagging. All i can say is that it is the modus operandi of many teams in singapore, and no less, the national team itself since 2000. That i can recall, becos' i was told off by Ben who coached VJC then for refusing to sit down after my POI was flagged. The rationale behind flagging is that while there is no real detriment to a speaker who's being flagged, a speaker on the floor when constantly badgered by a team who offers too many POIs would be at the significant disadvantage that could most likely break down the flow of the speaker's speech.
A failure to understand this, further questions mr gabriel's capacity to handle secondary school debate adjudication at the top division.

essentially i really don't know which is more ridiculous. the fact that he made an issue out of a non-issue while ignoring the real issues, or the fact that he ACTUALLY bothered to count the number of flags made....

seven years...SEVEN FUCKING YEARS...and when we are finally getting close to that elusive frozen throne, we're denied by a self-important bona fide noob who passes himself off as a qualified adjudicator. would it surprise you that mr gabriel is in fact the husband of the tournament sponsor, mrs julia gabriel. that probably puts everything into perspective and answers one of the most oft asked question in secondary school debates 'why on earth is he still adjudicating???' i recall better times back in 99' when mr G was the chairperson and not an adjudicator of our grand final. now wouldn't that be nice...

and if YOU, David Gabriel are reading this, i hope it makes you happy to know that your perrenial desire to get a kick outta ur self-funded an ego trip has destroyed the collective dream of 7 fucking generations of dictators. you on you mate, good on ya..

Initially I wanted to put Linkin Park's 'In The End' up the blog cos' apart from the opening line 'It starts with one thing I don't know why It doesn't even matter how hard you try'
there's this line in the bridge that goes

' I’ve put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
And for all this
There's only one thing you should know '

which would be the perfect song for Mr Gabriel. He betrayed the trust debaters had in the competancy of presiding adjudicators. and the 'one thing which he should know' was what i wrote a couple of paragraphs up.

But then i realised, no, even In the End, It DOES MATTER.

Victory or otherwise aside. It was truly the journey that bought back the fondest of memories i had during my debating days. The late night case preps in the orchestra rooms, climbing over the fence to get out of school, fighting around with the drama props we found the store room when we should be prepping the cases, speculating whereabouts in school were the Teos making out when they left us to do our 'more-than-one-hour' case preps. It's shit like this more than the silverware that etched the memories of what i would consider to be the happiest time of my life thus far.

Likewise, i truly hope that the dictators can see the silving lining of it all. the camaraderie you shared, the many rounds of DoTA you played as a team, the intellectual growth you had since you began debating. To say that this is the true prize, is no cliche at all.

Andre, you're intelligent, you know that. Yet it was a pity that your cavalier attitude towards debating previously probably compromised on your technique. Don't make the same mistake in life, treasure every chance that comes along, be it debating or not.

Bryan, you have everything it takes to be a national debater and you certainly have the capacity to be the best debater Cat High has ever produced. Be proud of what you have achieved, and move on from there. A disappointment can only feed your desire to succeed later on in life, not your embitterment. You're stronger than that, i know it.

'Kristiano' Tze Kai, you are an absolute sensation. Don't feel bad just becos' David G told you that your flagging made that you lost the debate for the team. If there's any adjudicator NOT to believe, it's gotta be him. I told you before, you are certainly the most precocious talent Cat High has ever had. You are truly a savant, so please do not let it go to waste. All it takes is that little tinge of cynicism, disillusionment and complacency to take that all away. You will be the core of the team next year, and it's up to fulfilled the unfulfilled dream of 8 generations of Cat High debaters next year.

Thomas, Arianto and Wee Seng, the same goes for you guys. You'll have to take on the unenviable task of fulfilling that elusive dream.

It has been an absolute pleasure being the temp coach for you guys. Playing LAN and trash-talking. You guys made me feel young all over again. And it was an immense honour for me, xander, shawn and all of the seniors accompanying you guys to what's the conclusion of this journey.

sometimes, the true chamipions don't always win.

PS: In case you were wondering about the random chinese name of the post, it's from the lyrics of the Jay Chou's theme song for the Jet Li movie 'Fearless'. 天下谁的 第一又如何 roughly tranlates into 'it really doesn't matter who wins eventually'.

in light of cat high's cheena/poor man school stereotype probably didn't play to our advantages in a tournament dominated by preppy indie schools (especially in a round with a clueless adjudicator). hence, it was probably approriate that i indulge in a little cheena-cisation here..which was also why i'm loading the Jay Chou song -my current infatuation - on my blog. an infinitely more inspiring song than the defeatist 'In the End'. Becos' in the end, it really matters.

天下谁的 第一又如何 止干戈 我辈尚武德
我的 拳脚了得 却奈何 徒增虚名一个 "

" ....洗涤过的回忆
我记得你 骄傲的活下去 "

- <<霍元甲>>, 周杰伦

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

think without a box

If only i was as half conscientious when it comes to tutes...

procrastinating since 2 hours ago.

Stuck at level 7 27 32

Sunday, March 12, 2006

the bride and a lonely driver

my bitch

and so it happened. the marriage was consumated. a love that transcends nationality, a romance without the blessings of my parents.

it was really quite an uncanny conincidence that led to me choose her as my bride. during my bride search, i was looking mostly at magnas and lancers which despite their dodgier performance reputations, are (most importantly to me) cheaper cars. Civics while reliable, are relatively pricier. to put things into perspective, a 2000 Lancer goes at about 8k-9k+. A '97/98 civic could easily cost more than 10k which was why i didn't consider a civic to be a viable option initially. then after several failed negotiations with Lancer owners, i decided take a shot at Civics and so i responded to an ad from some guy called Belson who was selling his '94 Civic GLI at $7500. Given his name, his accent (distinctively either Malaysian or Singaporean), and the place which he was staying (which was popular among Curtin students), i could be excused for thinking of him as the stereotypical young undergraduate civic beng owners who did every possible mod to his car. I wasn't expecting a deal initially, quite frankly, and i probably wouldn't have made the trip all the way there if not for the fact that it was very near to the place where i was viewed another Lancer.

And so me and daniel (who is also a fellow civic-owner-to-be) went down to this Belson's place in Canning Vale. The garage was open and so we actually saw the car even before we knocked on the door. Daniel's first impression was like 'Eh, this car looks damn looks like my sister's car'. True enough, when Belson came out, Daniel confirmed that he was the person whom he sold the car to about a year ago (since his sister has left perth then). Unbelievably, we were actually talking about Daniel's sister's civic on our way there, and Daniel was commenting how the person who bought his sister's car got a damn good deal cos' she was desperate to sell and so the car was sold at $6500 way below the market price of about $8000+ a year ago.

that broke the information asymmetry and that was perhaps the defining reason that eventually shaped the deal. Even Belson himself was quite surprised at the coincidence and was telling me how that i'm actually fated to buy the car. He did some modifications to the car, most notably, the change of tires and the sports exhaust and eventually a deal was made at $6700. It wasn't a fantastic deal, but well at least it was significantly lower than what i would have gotten elsewhere or from a dealer. I swear, those dealers are fucking bloodsuckers. i saw a similar Civic selling for about 7-K and it was at like 280,000 Kms. mine's around 150, 000Kms. It never makes economic sense to buy from dealers unless you're looking at the newer, sportier pre-owned cars.

the interesting thing about Belson (who turns out to be singaporean) was how he and his wife were so passionate about evanglising to us about why we should get a PR here cos' somehow Singapore is destined for economic ruin in the long run and we hope on board. Belson, not unlike the singapore serf was in the IT line back in singapore and (according to his wife at least) was getting a 10K salary. well, in the process of their pontification they kinda pissed my housemates off when they came over to my place to settle the payment especially when his wife told my housemates how 'this time next year, we'll do away with our singapore passport' or something to that effect in a pompous tone. did i mention that Belson's wife works as a migration planner here in Perth? Apparantly last year, about 2500 singaporeans got Australian PR in perth alone.

for some reason, they seem to display an absolute disdain and it came across as though they were utterly disgraced by the fact that they were born in singapore. i have nothing against economic migrants who leave their homeland in search for a better life. it was after all, the very foundation which singapore was founded on in the first place. yet i've always believed that you can never leave the nation you identified as 'home' without losing any part of you. it was certainly the place, the environment that moulded you into what you are, positive or otherwise. seeking greener pastures is fine, but was it totally neccessary to disparage your former homeland in a desperate effort to justify to other people and consequently yourself that yours', and yours decision alone is the RIGHT way to plan out your life?

well anyway, i finally got the car registered on friday, and i was still alittle peeved about how the stamp duty costed me $230 rather than the $50+ which Belson told me. I was toying with the idea of personalising my license plate until reality hit in. an 9 lettered word (without your name) would cost around $450 for a polycarbonate plate. The aluminium ones (which have a word limit of 8 letters) cost around $320. Paying a month's worth of rent on a fleeting fancy just din make sense, though if i did strike lotto, i would be very tempted to do one that spells WINDWALK or DIVINERAPIER....

my bride after her baptism shower

Daniel and Joel. The inagural Civic Gang meeting.

As you can probably tell, despite the marriage, it's unlikely that i'll end my virgin hood anytime soon, though i probably can't say the same for my civic, especially if i find any suspicious white stains on the back seat cushions, which in most likelihood would have been the remants of the romance between *ahem* daniel's sister and her ex.

I'm no rockson 'takumi' tan, but i can probably christen myself as the virgin 'itsuki' undergraduate.

hence my blog shall be aptly renamed:Catharsis of a Lonely Driver.....

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

just married

i'm getting married later tonight.

It was a whirlwind courtship which i suspect is founded more upon functionality than pure romance.

Bride-shopping is such a torture i tell you. Squinting through the rows upon rows of personal ads, going through the photos those sexy young nubile maidens whose sleek curves, big headlights and alluring rears, feeding your every deepest desire, only snap back to reality reading the fine print displaying their exorbitant demands for dowry.

Like pornstars with unbelievable figure, they seem to feed every man's fantasy sashaying in their virginal exterior, a thinly veiled facade to conceal the beast within them, if only to taunt the average joe with the realisation that you will never hook them up. It's masturbation, at in cruelest form.

It is an obsession, searching for the perfect bride. Some men never reach sobriety. It's that insane compulsion to reach for the stars, to break the bank just to send their wives for comestic reconstruction if only to enhance the superficiality of their pursuit.

It's a dangerous liason that has bankrupted so many men. Especially those European brides. They're unbelievably high maintenance.

I'm marrying a Japanese one. Confucian values have did some good after all. They're family oriented, low maintenance and desire nothing more than the occasional tender loving care.

My bride is quite an older lady really. At least thrice divorced. She has bad skin, and a ravaged rear end. But well she has decent clevage and quite a sizable hole and she screams quite loudly when she's getting it on. As for whether she's smooth with the stick when it comes to a handjob, i'll tell you when i consumate my marriage tonight...