Friday, November 17, 2006

end of the exam

it's finally all over. the greatest tribulation i ever had to face. i'm done with the exams and it's time to enjoy summer! god, was it a tough paper. it's a paper would you would go in knowing that you won't be scoring, but still had to sit for it anyway. regardless of results, or the outcome, i can at least look back at those endless nights of toiling away in GP3, and proudly tell myself, that i've emerged out of it a better man, and it was all worth it in the end.

as the cliche goes, 'it's never about the outcome but the process'. despite all its detractors who dismiss it as nothing more than a loser's self-consolation, i can proudly declare, that i AM now a better man.

gonna miss those rollin' good times back at GP3 now...


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