an ode to barcardi!
i'm not a virgin anymore. my throat that is, to ultra hard liquors banned in singapore. attended a clubbing event down at metro city called the asian cocktail party. while a healthy turnout of hot asian babes qualified the first part of the event's description, but to me at least, describing the night out as a cocktail party couldn't be further away from the truth....
started the evening with a round of pre-clubbing drinks in my room. the cheap and fast way to get high before clubbing - the poor undergraduate style
somewhere between the games of five-tens, we ran out of coke (by that i mean coca cola), so it was Jack Daniels straight up. not bad for a start. in our stupor, we somehow manage to get our butts down to metro city. the event was really some decent shit. metro is a predominantly r&b club and its niche lie in the fact that they have both djs and professional dancers on the stage to lead the crowd on. last night for example, they got a busker from hay street mall who could do the moonwalk and some pseudo-slow motion steps. by having the teeming masses dance to the rhythmn at the behest of the dancers on stage, it makes the entire clubbing experience seem less of a poseur-ish, insular endeavour (which ostensibly was what i felt when i was at centro back home) than a genuine desire to simply let yourself go and have fun, which is probably why i enjoy mambo night at zouk with all the podium groupie shit.
anyway, the highlight of the evening for me was when i downed my first shot of barcardi 151. i have no idea what it is except the fact that like absinthe, barcardi 151 is banned in singapore. upon googling today, i had the stark realisation that barcardi 151 was actually used for firebreathing. that probably explains why i had a cooling sensation on my hand when i spilled a few drops of barcardi that felt exactly like those alcohol swipes you get before an injection. while sculling the barcardi, it sorta burnt my throat. there was no taste at all, just sensation. i was already pretty tipsy and slightly nauseous before i downed the barcardi so i figured if i was gonna puke anyway, i might as well down the toughest drink available before puking. to my surprise, the burning sensation from the barcardi actually had a sobering effect. it's was like a gradual return to reality from surrealism. for a good 30 minutes i was rather aware of what's going on around me and the nauseous feeling was gone. the kick only start to get in after around 30-45 minutes. i'm not to sure how to describe, it's a somewhat happy feeling, a high without wanting to puke. i have no idea why, but me, shiwei and christopher (who's usually very poised) who all had barcardis that night were just laughing away all night. it's a happy potion, and i like it.
at the end of the night here's the grand tally of what went up my brain.
-lotsa JD
-a bourbon coke
-2 unknown cocktails
-a barcardi 151
-2 tequila shots
i did survive somehow, and managed to head down to city garden for a chinese supper to end an awesome evening.
next stop, green absinthe. for someone like me who has little capacity to quit addictions (my 2 empty cartons of marlboro stand testament to that) and hence huge impetus to avoid drugs (some of which like weed and cannabis are legal in australia), i would say trying a quasi-hallicinogen like absinthe or a happy potion like barcardi 151 offers a compromise between fulfilling my curiosity, getting high while staying within moral acceptability. Stay clean.
started the evening with a round of pre-clubbing drinks in my room. the cheap and fast way to get high before clubbing - the poor undergraduate style
somewhere between the games of five-tens, we ran out of coke (by that i mean coca cola), so it was Jack Daniels straight up. not bad for a start. in our stupor, we somehow manage to get our butts down to metro city. the event was really some decent shit. metro is a predominantly r&b club and its niche lie in the fact that they have both djs and professional dancers on the stage to lead the crowd on. last night for example, they got a busker from hay street mall who could do the moonwalk and some pseudo-slow motion steps. by having the teeming masses dance to the rhythmn at the behest of the dancers on stage, it makes the entire clubbing experience seem less of a poseur-ish, insular endeavour (which ostensibly was what i felt when i was at centro back home) than a genuine desire to simply let yourself go and have fun, which is probably why i enjoy mambo night at zouk with all the podium groupie shit.
anyway, the highlight of the evening for me was when i downed my first shot of barcardi 151. i have no idea what it is except the fact that like absinthe, barcardi 151 is banned in singapore. upon googling today, i had the stark realisation that barcardi 151 was actually used for firebreathing. that probably explains why i had a cooling sensation on my hand when i spilled a few drops of barcardi that felt exactly like those alcohol swipes you get before an injection. while sculling the barcardi, it sorta burnt my throat. there was no taste at all, just sensation. i was already pretty tipsy and slightly nauseous before i downed the barcardi so i figured if i was gonna puke anyway, i might as well down the toughest drink available before puking. to my surprise, the burning sensation from the barcardi actually had a sobering effect. it's was like a gradual return to reality from surrealism. for a good 30 minutes i was rather aware of what's going on around me and the nauseous feeling was gone. the kick only start to get in after around 30-45 minutes. i'm not to sure how to describe, it's a somewhat happy feeling, a high without wanting to puke. i have no idea why, but me, shiwei and christopher (who's usually very poised) who all had barcardis that night were just laughing away all night. it's a happy potion, and i like it.
at the end of the night here's the grand tally of what went up my brain.
-lotsa JD
-a bourbon coke
-2 unknown cocktails
-a barcardi 151
-2 tequila shots
i did survive somehow, and managed to head down to city garden for a chinese supper to end an awesome evening.
next stop, green absinthe. for someone like me who has little capacity to quit addictions (my 2 empty cartons of marlboro stand testament to that) and hence huge impetus to avoid drugs (some of which like weed and cannabis are legal in australia), i would say trying a quasi-hallicinogen like absinthe or a happy potion like barcardi 151 offers a compromise between fulfilling my curiosity, getting high while staying within moral acceptability. Stay clean.