Tuesday, June 28, 2005

why yearbooks are evil

hehe...this is evil.

i was at daniel place yesterday to pick him up after dropping my dad off and while waiting for him to shower, i chanced upon an old 1992 year book belonging to his sister who also happened to be from the same sec school as little miss drinkalot. browsing year books is a teenage habit that most guys never grew up since their teens, and i remember when i was in lower sec, there'll be a corner in our library with the yearbooks from the various sister schools and u can be assured that at any one time there'll at least be one person reading any given yearbook - though it's usually 1 person flipping the pages with the another 5 - 10 providing the accompanying critical commentaries on the various faces eternalised in each yearbook either for being super chio, or simply super nerdy.

unfortunately, the less-than-aesthetic uniform, combined with more than a decade of stylistic evolution, and compounded by the fact that the yearbook in question was that of one of the more cheena kong conservative sec schs - hence further regression in stylistic chronology by another decade - meant that there were rather few chiobus that could be eternalised BUT plenty of the other other group would could stake their claim into the etchment into the eternal memory of every reader of that yearbook. as i flipped on, i chanced upon the class of 91' graduation photos. i did some math and reckoned that LMD is definitely somewhere between the pages. it was rather wasn't really that easy to find considering that i was looking at the chinese names and that there're quite a number of classes in the class of 91. but it was worth the wait...hahaha. that photo is priceless. if u need a visual imagery of how LMD looked like @ 16, just imagine a much slimmer lydia sum, complete with the puffy hair that extends horizontally, AND the rectangularish glasses. at the risk of getting my cuticles or watever sensitive part of the nail cut off, sliced and defiled tonight....come, everybody follow me *points finger at LMD* NERD NERD... NERDY NERDY NERD!

like what i told LMD, at least she wasn't the nerdiest one. she was outshone by the one who stood like 3 slots beside her in the same row, and a 'lydia sum lookalike' simply pales in comparison. why? just imagine a girl who looks exactly like the hongkong actor 刘兆铭, the guy who acted as the villan in 金枕头.........


Blogger Little Miss Drinkalot said...

Wahahahaha! Sorry about the late comment. You're so evilness!!!!

Sunday, July 03, 2005 8:16:00 PM  

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