Tuesday, October 12, 2004

mr russia feels like a dumbass after missing a security council meeting cos he overslept

as part of my political science 101 syllabus, we're required to go through a simulation exercise where each of us will be assigned a role as a member state of the UN security council where we will engage in pseudo-diplomacy proposing resolutions addressing issues in iraq and cajoling ppl to support to etc. i was assigned to be the russian federation. having spent one whole motherfucking night juggling between mugging for a stats test and preparing of the simulation exercise today, i somehow managed to complete my draft resolution and posted it to the pol sci net interface which we use for our 'diplomatic encounters' at around 0430 this morning. all seemed well, i knew what i was going to say today, to explain my draft resolution, to criticise the other draft resolution which was virtually a rip-off from previous UNSC resolutions on iraq...UNTIL i decided to take a pre-lunch nap, only to wake up realising that i overslept and missed the tute aka security council meeting. i dun think i have felt so incredibly stupid and pissed off at myself in a long long time, and for that, my poor door took the brunt of my carthatic release in the form of a series of kicks, and my neighbours suffer the decibels of anguished swearing as the remainder of the carthasis. to put things in perspective, this was one of the 2 remaining tutes for the simulation exercise and the entire exercise makes up 35% of my final grade. more than anything else, it's that sorta stinking feeling of running a whole marathon and only to be pass out at the very last stretch that pisses me off. it's like 3 weeks to the finals and if anything this better teach me to stop fucking around, cos i've already been royally ass-fucked by myself..


Blogger Little Miss Drinkalot said...

Oh man! That sucks!!! I buy you loud loud alarm clock.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 11:06:00 AM  
Blogger the virgin undergrad said...

it's already damn loud, but interestingly it wakes up all my dorm mates except me. that's the way it works, it wakes ppl up who in turn, in their pissed off state wake me up...so that din happen cos it was an afternoon nap

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 2:25:00 PM  

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