Friday, November 21, 2003

me against the system

perhaps i should have been less apathetic towards learning new stuff. it's been more than a week since i got this blog started and still i have no idea as to how am i supposed to get it started. do i need to know html or wat? somebody help pls! anyway many things happened during this unchronicled week, or should i say pre-chronicled. first it was the 2 confinements which i am due to serve in less than 24 hours from now. i remember reading about people who were put on the death row for years and were then acquitted eventually, rather than feeling bitter towards this miscarriage of justice, somehow they felt kinda glad. i can't really say if that's how i feel now. after all, i'm still gonna serve the 2 fucking confinements. if there's anything that's i am gonna learn from this episode, its definitely gonna make me look over my back more often. showdown started like this 2 days ago:

(setting OC office. OC sits on his seat, the piece of shit (p.o.s) sits opposite OC carrying a smirk )

Me: Sir, so what's your decision regarding the punishment
OC: Ok... the punishment....will stand
Me: I see sir, I have already signed on the holy book, but i really need to know the real reason behind the confinements. While i will serve out the punishment, i still feel that the reasons for the punishment cannot be justified. Firstly regarding the interview booklets. I was very sure that I met the deadline on friday cos most of almond platoon were on off the day before. and i forged the signatures and processed the booklets on thurs. i then submitted it to zhisheng. there was only 1 booklet that was eventually rejected, and it belonged to LCP Desmond Lim for the sole reason that the interval between one of the interviews exceeded that of (the stipulated) 2 months. and i then processed the booklet and returned it to zhisheng. so therefore how i do not agree that that was an example of irresponisbility.
(p.o.s chips in)
p.o.s: I didn't ask you to forg...
Me: Sir, if you would allow me to continue. secondly, regarding the statements (for the 2 diskettes) incident. i completed the statement and had it saved in the stand-alone. only after that did zhisheng (again!) tell me that the serial no of the diskettes had to be included in the statements as well. he said he would get the serial no from S2 side and then get back to me. so i waited for a while in the office and went up to bunk after that. i acknowledge that it was my fault that i forgot to call up zhisheng after that, but neither did he call me. in anycase, i did eventually recover the 2 unaccounted diskettes so the statements weren't needed. so sir, do you seriously think that these 2 minor mistakes warrants 2 confinements?
OC: Ok... you see ah. I ask you, when you work for your superiors or your bosses in the future, are you supposed to meet their standards or are they supposed to meet your standards?
Me: The superior's standards sir.
OC: Superior's standards right? Ok, so you have to understand that different PCs have different standards. Maybe what you did last time was acceptable to Cpt Myron but now it's 2LT (piece of shit). I remember last time you also have problems with Cpt Myron about the standards of work right?
Me: Yes, that was during Claymore.
OC: I know, i was there. but i din want to interfere becos that was between you and the PC so as an OC, i may not understand the situation so i did not interfere. so ah, you see this problem may have started then already. somemore remember that time you and qinglong were playing a fool outside the store.
Me: (Smiling) haha, yes, we were....just ji xiao-ing.
OC: Yes, to me i may be able to know that you all were only playing that's why i din punish you all. But what if like commander saw that? would he think that u all are only ji xiao-ing? he would think that you all are ill-disciplined right?
Me: Yes... (puzzled by its relevance to the issue at hand)
p.o.s: Yes, this is also not the first time you have given me unacceptable standards. it happen so many times until when zhisheng told me about it, that was when i decided that i had to punish you.
Me: So sir, can you give me an example of such an incident?
p.o.s: It happened so many times, i cannot point out everyon...
Me: Anyone sir, i need to know.
p.o.s: Ok, you want me to say, like the many times, i cannot remember all....ok, like the time i asked you to come down and you were in the bunk sleeping, i thought it would be ugly if i went to your bunk and get u up.
Me: So sir, to conclude, the punishment was given on the basis of my past performance which you felt was unsatisfactory rather than on the 2 accounts pertaining to the interview booklets and the statements.
p.o.s: Ok, i think it might be my fault that i did not make it clear the last time, but yes it was because of your past performance.
(me thinking: inconsistent case you bastard)
Me to OC:: Ok, so now that it is clear that i signed becos of my past mistakes. but sir, even on the account of past performance, i still dun think that the punishment was justified. With all due respect to 2lt (piece of shit) sir, tasks such as like the doing up of Admin Instructions, Lesson plans and even Safety Risk Management are supposed to be done up by the PC himself, but at times i was the one who did those up. And for those previous tasks, i am pretty sure that i met all the deadlines which is why i still do not believe that my past performance was so bad as to warrant 2 confinements.
(p.o.s face more fucking smirk)

OC: Ok ah....2lt (p.o.s) is still new, so somethings you have to help him out. cannot be he one person do everything right. I know sometimes when a punishment is given the person who receives the punishment will never understand where he's wrong. Like for eg, you and qinlong that incident, if commander did see it, and gave you all punishments, you all will definitely think that you all only ji xiao-xiao nothing wrong wat. but to him, commander will think that you all are ill-disciplined right or not?
Me: Yes sir, which is why when i was given 2 confinements not long ago, i had nothing to say or argue for that becos i admitted that i was in the wrong (and one of the counts of that confinements albeit stupidity on my part, was becos that fucking piece of shit was in such a hurry for me to go down that i din even have time to find my socks and wear them...). So sir, one more reason apart that i wanted to clarify the reason behind the punishment was because, pardon me for being honest, 2lt (piece of shit) sir has a reputation in almond platoon for giving confinements indiscriminately. For eg, last time (Mur)Gaya was given 3 confinements (actually 2, my mistake) by him for no apparant reason. That's why i wanted to seek clarification. (p.o.s face stiffens)
Me: Ok, thank you very much sir (OC), i really appreciate your help ( i really do. he went beyond his duties to help me. it's just that like all illogical SAF traditions, superior commanders find it a taboo to overwrite punishments given by junior commanders regardless of logic) In addition sir, i believe since i may have a problem meeting the standards set by 2lt (piece of shit) sir, i think that it is best that i step down as his runner, so sir, may i change my vocation then?
(p.o.s changes face again, talks in a matter-of-factly tone, dropping the emotive rhetoric, as though he scored a golden goal)
p.o.s: i tot i told csm already, that chin guan will take over from you.
Me (elated): Really, great, then that would be the best outcome. Thank you very much sir (OC).
(me goes out of the office)


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